Saturday, October 9, 2010

Golden Traditions

As I went back to Raffles Hotel to get my next box of mooncakes. I decided to make a change this time. I am going to give the traditional mooncakes a shot. I know I have mentioned that I am not a fan of baked mooncakes. My mum has urged me to get her the baked version as she is not a fan of the snow skin version. I bow down to her request so I purchase an assortment of baked mooncakes.

I got her the baked mooncake with pine nuts, another type macadamia nuts with white lotus paste, the third version which is the baked mother of pearl with single yolk and white lotus paste, and last but not least the baked mooncake with double yolk and macadamia nuts.

My mum was happy when I brought them hone. She was totally delighted at the sight of them as the baked version has been her favourite.  I am not keen to taste them but after much persuasion, I took the plunge to sink a tiny piece into my teeth. To my surprise, they were fantastic. It was not too sweet and oily as I have expected.

 From my past experience, the baked versions tend to be very oily because they are baked with lard and the lotus paste is usually oily from the peanut oil. Raffles hotel has made the baked mooncakes well for the modern health conscious ones. The lotus paste was smooth ,not oily and not too sweet. The lotus paste blends well with the pine nuts, macadamia nuts and egg yolk. It gives a balance to your taste palette.The golden-hued pastry are crafted to perfection. The pastry chef at Raffles has done a good job.

If  it is not for my mum's persuasion I would not have tempted to try the baked mooncakes. I have to thank her for that. The traditional mooncakes has changed my perceptions of the baked version. The chefs have pass on the tradition well to the modern living taste bud. Certainly, they have live up the name of the golden tradition. These baked version make perfect gifts for the mid-autumn season especially for old folks who yearn the taste of the traditional ones. On top of that they are the healthier.  Good for the heart and taste.

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