Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fairmont Version

I can't resist the temptation of snowskin mooncakes filled with liquor chocolate truffles. I found one equally good as Raffles Hotel. They come in various flavours too. These mooncakes are prepared by Fairmont Hotel and they are absolutely divine.

The sight of them make me drool. They come in 4 flavours. Champagne, Bailey's, Rum and Rasin, and muselli chocolate.
The perennial favourite year upon year is the snowskin moonacakes with champagne truffle and Ganache. It features an exquisitely hand crafted champagne truffle that is delicately swathed in creamy white lotus paste and enfolded in a duvet of tender snow skin. This is an original Fairmont Hotel creation which ardent fans like myself early await every mooncake festival.

I am greedy and I love all four flavours. The Bailey's, Rum and Rasin are powered with the strong taste of liquor. Each bite of it, the liquor from the truffle oozes out and melts in your mouth. I can say, the pastry chef has not been stingy with the liquor in the truffle. The chocolate Ganache goes well with the lotus paste and pastry. I can easily woof down 6 pieces at one go.

The fourth flavour is more for kids. It is chocolate muselli and there is no liquor. So kids can enjoy this safely. The muselli gives an added crunch to the mooncake and if you are health conscious, the muselli keeps you full too. This prevents you from snacking another piece of mooncake down your throat.

For me, I still love the liquor version. The champagne, Bailey's and, Rum and Rasin are my favourite. They are equally comparable to Raffles hotel. Even their snow skin pastry is as tender as Raffles. However, Fairmont's lotus paste is a tad sweeter. I can't complain about their generous serving of liquor in the chocolate truffle thou. Fairmont seems to be more generous in their serving of liquor in their chocolate truffle as compared to Raffles. I guess its a give and take for me. I think every pastry chef has their own style of creation.

Its thumbs up for me still as I love to sip the liquor slowly and allow the chocolate melt in my mouth. Oooooh!!! Its so good and they make me happy. It allows one forget their stress from work. I am going back to get some more.

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